Here I'm proudly to announce that, CHIBI has new company!!!~ His name is CHUBI.. [ibi and ubi for short!! hehehe].. CHIBI is same age with CHIBI and very very active. Though they are in the same age [now already 6 month] but UBI is more bigger than IBI .. UBI actually one of my besday gift from my lovely dubby ZAM. Thank you sayang~
For 3 days earlier, IBI can't accept new comer as she very comfortable with her own life.. but after past 3 days, they seems like can accept each other. :) ZAM and me were happy for them.. hahaha.. Now they play, eat and sleep together.. I'm sure, now IBI 's life is more meaningful same like me coz I've ZAM who always be with me no matter what...
Here I attach some pict of IBI and UBI...

-- Guys.. introduce, CHUBI!! --

-- This Is IBI, She try to protect her own Land. hahaha --

-- See!! Now they can sit and play together! luv them so much!!~ --
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