kembali ke topik asal. Pada hari kejadian yakni pada reunion tersebut [24jan2009], ktorg setting jumpe kat Beger King @ Midvelly [sbb McD and KFC kene band kan..]. We had our branch [breakfast + Lunch] there. Had a goooood chitchat after 5 years! Only Ad, NengNong, Reen, BomBom, E1 and Hizami can make it, without Nad and Aidil yg sangat Bz nyer, we still can laugh like 5 years ago at Cafe B KMK! ouh.. sungguh touching bile dapat gather kembali..
Actually they are my best buddies back at KMK (Kedah Matriculation Collage). We started make up like bro and sis after 2nd semester. Only E1 and Ad were my ex-classmate. The rest were from other classes and other course.[Aidil + Reen in Hayat Course and Hizami & bomBom were from
oke oke.. pasal reunion tadi, lepas makan makan, ktorg decide ma pegi kara-kara. So we go to RedBox @ Gardens. melalak sampai abes anak tekak kesakitan..terus lepak makan kat secret recipe. ouh.. I hate their services. damn SLOW!!~ sibaik dalam RedBox tadi ade makan2 hi-Tea. Then after that anta bombom balik kolej dia, anta neng balik packing then bawak E1 and Hizami jalan2 putrajaya.. malam tuh aku ngn neng tido kat umah Ad coz tomorrow morning she will send us at Kajang bus Station.
Moral of the Story : Happy to gather back!!~ wakaka....
p/s : click on the pict if u wanna see it in bigger size!
-- Got kiss from my hot Babe, Ad --
-- Part time model.. hahaha..koya --

-- girls : Reen, NengNong, Me & Ad --
-- With Hizami in front of RedBox @ Gardens --

-- Keletihan..Sibaik x kene picit ngn tangan Gaint itu~ --

-- Yes!! that Us! Me, Ad, Neng, Reen, BomBom, E1 & Hizami --

-- @Ad's House tersandar menanti Ad bersiap b4 goin to Putrajaya --
-- Keriangan tahap Maksima bile jumpe padang rumput. aish~ --
1 Orang Baik Hati:
ampon zami!! aku termamun time tulis blog neh..sibaik hg pebetoi~
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