Pari - Pari #1 :
5th February 2009 - Syafiq, adek ku sayang telah menjemput aku, ZAM and some of my collegue to his farewell party atau lebih mesra dipanggey kenduri kesyukuran. Syukurlah Syafiq dpt further his study to Ausie in MBA. if im not mistaken lah~ Seronok rasanya bile tgk one of my frens dpt capai satu lagi hajatnya.. Memang sume ini mesti diiringi dengan pengorbanan. Dan Hana [ yakni GF kpd Syafiq] akan merindui Syafiq for 2 years! tapi xpe, untuk kebaikan masa depan kan.. Sebenarnye syafiq mmg banyak bagi impak dalam hidup aku. walaupun kenal masa dia intern kt Opis aku, tp semangat dia wat aku pun bersemangat gak nak sambung belajar... So Dear Syafiq, Best of Luck!! namao ponteng2 and namao tido2 dalam kelas. semoga balik nanti dapat sumbangkan sesuatu kepada famili mu nanti...

-- Syafiq & Hana wearing same color! --
Pari - Pari #2 :
6th February 2009 - PGL The Musical !! hahaha.. I love this! And I'm not regret bought it!! In fact ZAM bought the tixs since Oct last year! huhu.. I went to the teater with ZAM, Kak Idah n her newly bf, Wandy. Like the previous teater, [PGL I, PGL II] PGL III was SUPERB!!~ I really feel the love between Gusti Putri Retno Dumillah (Tiara Jacquelina) and Hang Tuah (Stephen Rahman-Hughes). Sesape yang belom tgk, u shud go. Hurmm.. tak silap show nyerdi extend 3 hari sampai 24hb February. Maseh ada masa...

-- Wandy, Kak Idah n Me --

-- Ucuk ku Sayang~ --

-- The Tix, pasni ade cite menarik mao pigi lagi~ --
Pari - Pari #3 :
7th February 2009 - For the 1st time ever, Softsolvers adakan satu bowling tournament! hahaha.. very impress... well, teruk gak pala otak ney berpikir sebab kerja2 nak mengorganize event kali nie di atas bahu aku ngn Puan Syafinaz. yerlah sebab bos aku ngn sorang lagi memba aku adalah Vegetarian. so kene pikir nak makan kt mane pas tournament bowling tuh. Ktorg wat kat Mines Wonder BOwl. Memang best and Enjoy abes!! aku dapat no brapa?? hohoho.. namao cakap!!

-- SoftSolvers Bowling Tournament Day --
Pari - Pari #4 :
14th February 2009 - Is it Valentines Day?? actually aku ngn ZAM x celebrate mende alah ney. tapi bile dapat msg2 dari opismate aku, bawu aku teringat pasal Val-Day ney. That day aku x kemana2 cuma pagi tuh pegi service Lisa ngn Jumper. Then malam tu aku follow ZAM pegi TT [Teh Tarik for short form = neorians gathering] neo club.. anyway, this is my 1st time join diorg nye club. Best sebab dapat kawan bawu n dapat tgk Neo-Neo yg dah jadi macam transformers dah~ huk3.. TT kali nih wat kat Putrajaya/Cyberjaya. ade lah kat 21 biji Neo yg join.. then ktorg gathed plak ngn 6 biji Savvy n 8 biji Swift. anyway, mmg enjoy sebab diorg mmg gile2...

-- Jumper trott tot tot jadi transformers --

-- Spot the Jumper?! --

-- OMG!!~ I loved the Eye --
Pari - Pari #5 :
Nih aku tatao tarikhnyer, tapi stiap kali kua, ktorg musti makan! yes Makan!! saje je nak share some picts makanan yg ktorg dah menketedarah. hihihi.. lapa dowh!!

-- Terriyaki Chicken @ Deli France --

-- Kebuluran tahap maksima. tp mmg Marvellous--
-Papai -
2 Orang Baik Hati:
Well, first of all! Thanx a lot for coming to my house. :D Hehe! Well, sorryla coz after the occasion, we just noticed that the foods were not really nice. Huk3! :( Sorry bout that.. Anyway, thanx for coming! ;)
Ouh~ SoftSolvers? Bowling tournament? Very nice! Hahaha! Finally aite? Well, I bet u had fun during that time. Hehe! ;)
No prob Syafiq.. we came not only as a friends but as a family also. we'll pray for your best and success in your study.
oh ya.. bowling part!! really.. REALLY have FUN!!
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