Setelah 5jam mendapat email dr PB [Pokcik Berjanggot], aku pon membalas ini...
Thank you for your concern about our salary. But again I want to remain you that you still break your promise. You said you will pay November salary on 20th December. Suppose I can lodge a report against you since you fail to pay us before 7th every month.
You can pay us by installment. But please don’t blame us if we do our work by installment too. J Even you pay in installment. Still we suffer. Please remember all your staff also has their own commitment. I know you can give Tony’s salary first because he wants to go back right? Then how about others? Yes if you see your staff face, they can smile. They can laugh. But in their heart, you never know.
You choose Malaysia to start your company. Then of course you need to follow the Malaysia’s Law. Please search and do study if you don’t know Malaysia’s act. It’s been so long we keep patient on you. But until when we need to keep holding on?? Until the house land chases us out because we late pay the rental? Or until we didn’t eat proper meals because we don’t know when we will get next salary? I’m sure next coming month’s salary also will be like this.
Here I want to tell you that I have to leave this company not because for my career development. But it’s actually more to mentally depression due to late salary payment. I hope you can pay all your staff’s December salary before 7th January 2010 or else, I will take an action.
I will do what I’ve said. Please consider this letter.
dan pada pukul 8 mlm 22hb disember, Baby LG aku berbunyi.. from Boss Deep
"Arnie, since there is nth much work left & its cost for U to come to office also, mgmt has decided to release you with affect from 23 Dec & you dont have to come to office anymore. All your dues will be cleared as per the Malaysian rules and your contract with Softsolvers, by end of this month"But I really thankful.. maseh ada kawan2 yang terus msg & call mmberi kata2 semangat...Yup life must goes on...
macam putus cinta plak...bercinta ngn PB??
Hell N0!!~

5 Orang Baik Hati:
ahhh cantik nye top yang ayung pakai. hahah ayung ade masalah kite bole usha top pulak kan? tak bagus betul:p uh..saman jeh PB tuh!
And now only u've take the right action..
kalau aku jadi ko lame da aku mintak early release..
malas da nk keje huhu
hahaha.. Pija neh lawak... top tuh incik zam belikan...huhuhu..xsedey pon ngn masalah neh...releks aje.. mmg nak wat sampai dia merangkak blk india.. hua3.. < rasa kejam la plak..
arnie dear :)
sy sokong sangatla tu,wat sampai dia ngan bini dia yg sengal tu merangkak balik sana.
ape punye alasan tak logik la dorang ni..sket2 client bayar lambat.agak2 la kot ye pun..huh!
chill,dear..pasni akan ada rezeki untuk kita. :)
ain : hahaha.. aku neh jenis lembut hati kot. tuh yang lambat bebeno angkat kaki. padahal yg len2 da lama blah da..
intan : hahaha.. tuh laa.. akan berusaha gigih membuat diorg merangkak blk india..suka2 ja duk negara org wat macam tempat tok nenek sniri. sekeh kot pala bini bos uh..
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