Loveeee sports,outdoor activities, shopping, designing n music. very hard to see me in housewife apron! but do love baking some cookies!~
i Love to hang out with my frens, and of course "lepaking" n "makan-makan" with my lovely boyfriend.hehehe..
here i just wanna share about my feelings n thought in my own way.just enjoy reading!!~
Pagi itu indah sekali, Lepas subuh aje bertakbir raya, Berebot toilet sudah semesti, Sape lambat tobat kene marah ngn mama punya!!
Bile abah blk dr surau sume kene siap, Tp aku maseh didapur tlg mama, aduhhh!! kalot lah aku nak touch up, free2 je kene jerit ngn mama...
turun breakfast tetap awal, bezanya rasa bile kne makan pagi, budak2 neh blasah men game di pagi syawal, haa..padan muka diorg kene marah lagi...
Gendang gendut tali rapia, kenyang perot sukanya hati, dah 8.30 neh jom p smayang raya, kang nnt terlepas lagi...
oh.. tahun lepas ktorg sampai surau time tok imam bagi dah salam dah...
lepas solat pulang ke rumah, niat dihati nak sambung makan la, belom sempat ktorg nak jamah, dtg pulak bebudakssss nak beraya" semekom...kami dtg nak beraya, xmo makan da..."
Belom sempat ckp dah bergenang, xtahan sebak dowh bile mintak ampun, tp adek2 aku bole plak wat lawak bangang, kekonon diorg xde salah pape pun... <--hampehh!!
kagomnye aku ini punya pantun spontan, kejap je buat terus jd entry, ampunkan aku jika ada kesilapan, oke dah..aku nak mintak diri... ngeeeeee~
Salam... saya sangat suke wat come back cemni... nama pon cuti raya kan.. seminggu bercuti, maka nak menulis pon ketandusan idea.. oh.. saya sgt sebok menjelang - semasa - selepas ari raya!! sibaik ade kusi urut, bole kasi urut pinggang yg asek nak krem je... hahaha... bajet sungguh dedikasi mengemas... lalala...Oke Raya tahun neh ada ada 4 version!! haaa.. korang jangan terkejot...kali neh aku bawakkan 1st version dulu...Sok aku masokkan 2nd version punya... dan seterusnye...Korang masih igt 5 Sept lepas? oh itu Besday Mama Terchenta... dan 20 Sept yakni hari raya adalah besday abah terchenta... haaa.. celebrate 2 event dalam satu masa.. sangat terharu! sebab tu lah raya kali neh ada banyak version...Di usia 51 tahun, abah maseh kuat bekerja. alhamdulillah dan Dia memberi kesihatan kpd abah. maseh sehat walafiat...I love you abah...and i don't know how to describe it...neh masa besday mama aritu.. arini baru hapload.. aihh... xpe, sekalikan sume gamba...----------------------------------------------------------------------Neh besday abah plak.. malam raya...yayyy.. makan kek!!~ bersambung...
Alhamdulillah..fight aku berhasil. Gaji dah di bank in kan smlm dan arini maseh floating. kalo bank in cheque, bile eh bole release? hmmm...
Oke2..xmo gaduh2 dah..bende da lepas.. mungkin ada satu lagi email dr aku akan menyusul untuk PB [Pokcik Berjanggot] tanda berdamai.[dia dah buat susah cemni still mau baik lagi ka..] Tapi aku rasa cam xsedap plak nak ngadap muka yg berjanggot itu ari2 lepas apa yang aku da kondem kaw2 punya dlm email. huhuhu.. tp itu kenyataan... yeah.. The Ugly Truth!!
Ohh... cite tuh aku da tgk..bole laa!! tapi lawak.. Opss rating cite neh 18 PL tau. so nak bawak anak kecik bole. tp tutup mata diorg. wakakakaka...sangat dewasa cite neh...
Yaa.. mungkin aku happy cket hari neh.. sebab??
aku da dapat gaji.. so bole shopping raya.tuk diri sendiri & family.insyaallah aku xkan membazir..tutup mata...ikat tangan pastu bawak jln2 p shopping. kompom x membazir.huhuhuk..
Bole spen duet raya lebeh kot thn neh. [Peringatan: duet raya untuk budak2 dibawah 18 tahun saje.MUKTAMAD!! sebarang rayuan akan mentah2 ditolak!!] <<- kedekot :P
20hb neh bersamaan 1 Syawal adalah besday Abah kesayangan aku yang ke 51 tahun. and of course aku da awal2 lagi da aim tuk hadiah besday merangkap hadiah raya.. Alhamdulillah.. dengan gaji yang akan dpt neh, aku bole fulfill hajat aku itu..
sok pagi aku akan bertolak balik ke Alor Star.. wif ZAM and budak2 kecik uh.. Suke2.. rindu Kedah! and rindu raya kat kampung... =D
sekarang nak wat ucapan raya plak.. hahaha...
Dikesempatan yang ada kat sini, aku nak mintak maaf secara terbuka dari hati yang ikhlas, menyusun sepuluh jari memohon kemaafan andai aku ada wat salah & silap, samada secara terang-terangan atau tanpa sedar..samada aku terkutuk, terkasar bahasa selama aku menulis kat sini atau bercakap serupa mulot busuk.harap tolonglah tegur dan maafkan kekilafan aku. Aku jugak seorg manusia yang sering melakukan kesilapan... ;)
Kepada Geng Adhamiss, Geng Makan, Geng BWC, sahabat2, rakan2, kawan2.. suma lah.. xkire kat mana korang ade, kalo drive balik kampung, elok2. jgn laju2...ingatlah family yg tunggu kite kat umah..[incik kesayangan, nasehat ini untuk kamu juge ;) ] semoga selamat pergi dan pulang...
Buat Mama Abah and adik-adik, ayung dapat balik raya tahun neh [hahaha.. bajet macam xbalik raya ja sebelum neh]. Doakan keselamatan ayung & ZAM semasa dlm perjalanan pulang ke kampung halaman..ampunkan dosa2 ayung and halalkan makan minum ayung. Buat Mak & Bapak [hohoho.. practice setsiap], Tenkiu sebab besarkan Along dengan baik dan mendidik dia dengan sempurna.Ampun dan maaf andai ada terkasar bahasa atau tersakitkan hati. insyaallah arni akan cuba baiki diri arni lagi.. :D Kepada Abg, errr.. Ayg ckp dlm keta je la eh..time otw blk kedah.. huhuhu... :P
p/s : kad raya koko tuh kad raya tahun lepas..tahun neh tema biru...trend terbaru, send kad raya ikot hp, blog & facebook.. kuikuikui... take note Adhamiss sekalian... kita harus berjumpa raya neh.. kalo x, aku carik ampa satu lostaq! lama gila xgather...
I know you guys are not happy, rather angry with me and thinking I’m not understanding your situation, I don’t learn, Its my habit, I don’t know how to do business and so on. Let me try to tell you my side of story, once again…
I’m sure you guys must be following news, we are in the worst ever recession, the world has ever faced and it is more than one year [exactly one year back Lehman Brother collapsed, a company with many decades of history and billion dollars in bank] and you guys think we are just immune from it. Actually we were quite okay initially, but this is prolonged way too long and all our buffers were vanished within 3-4 months.
You are talking about 7 years, just to give you an example, one of our client TMS is almost 18 years old company, public listed, they were supposed to pay us in the beginning of this month and they said, they don’t have money to pay now and can only pay by end of this month, what can I do. And its not the only client, we now have almost 160k due from our clients, they simple don’t have money to pay.
I’m not paying you guys, cause I don’t have money and its not that I don’t want to pay.
You may call me lousy business man, can’t force my clients to pay or whatever, but I don’t have a choice, I can’t suit them they are long term customers and even suing won’t get me money, cause they also don’t have it.
I agree No one likes asking for money, me too, but since last many months, I’ve tried almost every avenue of funding, literally begging and only I know how I feel. For so many months now, I’m always out of office, I’m spending 95% of my time trying to arrange money and spend only 5% on the real work. Think about the productivity lose, because you all have to wait to discuss things with me.
I do know the importance of Hari Raya and that is why when I couldn’t arrange, I took another personal loan, which will be reaching my account by tomorrow. This is the third time in this year and this is a huge burden on me that will last for next few years, but do you know why I’m doing this, I could have declared my company bankrupt 5-6 months back and whatever money I had can save for a long vacation and start again, once the recession is over. But I did all this for you [believe it or not], cause I have faith in you, I built this team with my own hands, like my own children and never wanted to loose.
You all want to leave fine, think from my side, what I gained from all this suffering and in the end can’t even keep my team!!
You are talking about integrity, did I ever cheat you guys, other than delayed salary, where I don’t have much control!! I paid RM500 extra, but the anger due to salary delay was so overpowering that you never even noticed, but that did cost me a lot of money!!
I know this is the last leg of these problems and if we can somehow endure now, we will prevail and you all have to support me. There are lots of positive things happening, but it will take at least another 2-3 months to have things fully turn around. We are talking to many investors, people are quite interested in whatever we are doing, but for them to take decision, it will take some time.
I’m not sure you guys believe me or not, but its okay, sometime parents have to be hard. I just wanna say, I’m true to my heart and soul in whatever I’m doing and will be doing everything possible to save my company and my family and I can just hope that you guys support me in this!!
Thank you
PS: The money, I’m getting tomorrow is not sufficient to pay you all in full, so to some I’ll pay partial and hopefully can pay everyone by early next week.
p/s : aku dah tatau nak ckp ape agi..alasan neh sama gak alasan 4 bulan lepas bila baya gaji lambat. duet 500rat dia kasi tuh awal2 dia nak potong dr gaji seterusnye. tp bile ktorg ngamok, so dia tuka sebagai bonus. aku nyampah sbb gaji mamat2 india len sampai belas ribu dia bole bayar.pastu pandai pulak diorg belakon.. @#*%$I*+@$%^$#@$
Hari Raya is the most important festivity for me as a Muslim. Please do consider sir. I sign myself in this company to work and get paid. I really need the salary sir. There’s so much I need to do with the money since the Hari Raya is coming...My family will also be expecting me to bring some present for them. It’s ok if I can’t buy new clothes for me...But please let me buy something for my parents, sir..This Thursday is been too late for payment. Though Next week also it’s hard to accept. I know I sounded desperate but there's no better way to say this..I’m sorry sir
I've been here almost 2 years. And I'm sorry to say nothing different for last 2 years. This company stills same. And your habit also still same! Yes I'm condemning my CEO.
So far, I’ve been silent when we are talking about salary payment. Everyone in Soft solvers ask for their rights. It is wrong to ask our salary after a month we already done our work?? It’s been long time… but you never take any lesson from the past!
When we make a report to Labor Department, you said no need to ask any external person to teach you how to feed your child. But again you never learnt! I’m really disappointed with you Mr. Deep! Every month seems like a habit for you to make all your staff to ask you for a payment. Don’t treat us as beggar. We do anything you request for work. But why you can’t do this (Salary Payment) on time? Why we need to ask you every month??
Salary payment is one of factor to judge company management and the CEO. As I said before this in my previous email, If you want to gain staff trust, please obey the payment date time. And I bet you just ignore my advice because I saw nothing improvement so far. Yes I do not understand this company situation. 7 years establish in Malaysia right? But it’s don’t have any extra money / saving to pay staff’s salary.
I’m sorry to say that, I think you never understand your staff situations. Seems like everything Ceasar said is nothing to you. I tried to gain a trust to you. I tried to give so many chances to you to improve, but it’s hopeless! You still fail to pay salary on time. If you really meant what you’ve said in your previous email, (you said, you treat us as your child and try to feed everyone) I’m sure you want everyone happy for this coming Raya. By this time other company can get bonus or half payment for September already. I’m not demanding for that thing because I know you can’t give that. But why you can pay to your other staff and just ignore for those who wants to do preparation for Raya celebration? It is this way you treat your child? It’s really disappointing.
I’m not satisfied when I ask Siti Faridah and she said she didn’t get salary also. What’s wrong with them? Why you just ignore these two girls in IBM?? I’m sure IBM pay a lot to you for hiring Faridah and Siti Faridah. But why you fail to pay them? I think their salary is not too expensive. Am I right Mr. Deep?
Don’t forget to pay Suhaiza and Ceasar’s salary also. Suhaiza also have her rights to do preparation for Raya. Please consider what she already done for Mynic Project. For your information, Hari Raya will be celebrate on this Sunday (20 September 2009)
In this century, what u gives to others u will get it back...its KARMA sir. If not happen to you, I’m afraid it will happen to you sons. Please do business with loyal and integrity. As I do my part with whole of my heart.
I’m sorry if you think this email is confidential. But I’m sure everyone have rights to know how disappointed I am..
Hope God Bless You.
Best Regards,
Arni Syauqina Soft Solvers Technologies (M) Sdn Bhd |C-G-17, SME Technopreneur Centre, 2270 Jalan Usahawan 2, 63000 | Cyberjaya | Selangor | MALAYSIA. Tel: +603 8315 6101 | Fax : +603 8315 6102 | Mobile : +601 7614 8366 |
p/s : Grammar jangan pandang. memang hancur...Sebab aku type surat neh dengan linangan air mata!! 5 hari nak raya, satu sen duet gaji bulan lepas pon xdapat..
Post lepas aku ade war-war kan pasal Garage Sale kan.. Maaf aku terlalu bz sebenarnya malas nak menghapload kan memerah otak ttg hari kejadian...
Hujan!! yaaa.. pagi tu hujan agak lebat sekitar Putrajaya. Bile call Ad, dia ckp.. "Owh..umah aku baru settle hujan.." So aku & incik kesayangan bergegas ke Bangi @ lebih mesra dikenali Seksyen 15. Sanggop neh redah Hujan semata-mata untuk garage sale...
"Pagi yang gelap..kini sudah terang... Aku adek mu dan engkau abang... Ingin ku ulang ke masa duluuuuu..."
Pagi itu... Owhh.. Ramai manusia... Meriah!! jam baru kol 11 pagi. hurmm...Ad bisnes women wanabe yang berjaya.. Julie yakni adek Ad amat bijak mem promote.. perghh...
Aku ngan Incik kesayangan stay sampai petang...Masa nak tutup2 wrapping2 incik kesayangan berjaya mempromote beg kesayangan dia..
Hari tu, aku & incik kesayangan berbuka bersama family Ad. Alhamdulillah.. Tq Ad and family...=D Bibik korang memang superb.. sup dia masak layan owh...
Lepas maghrib, kitorang pegi alamanda... wat ape?? haa.. layan mende neh~ iskkk.. sedap siottt... Sempena merdeka kan.. 31% discount!!! warghhh!!
Wahh.. entry yang sangat patriotik! Saya chentakan Malaysia! Saya amat sayangkan Malaysia! Sungguh xmain-main.. aishh.. mana leh main-main.. kalo xsayang Malaysia, nyah kau dari bumi merdeka ini~ hahahaha...
Arini da 1 Sept. Rasanya belum terlambat nak ucapkan Selamat Menyambut Hari Kemerdekaan yang ke-52~(T_T).. terharu sangat kita mampu hidup aman damai dalam masyarakat yang majmuk!!
Persetankan apa org kata tentang Malaysia.Mereka hanya dengki dengan kita sebab kita mampu membina ikatan kekeluargaan dalam masyarakat yang berbilang kaum. haaa... Persetankan!! Tapi Setan kan kene kurung skrg neh~ hahahaha...
Semalam aku tengok cite Hati Malaya kat Tv2..oh.okk... sape yang tatau pasal histry kite, better tengok cite tuh tuk flash back ape yang dah kite blaja time form 1 dolu2~.. Malu la duduk di negara merdeka tapi tatau asal usul kemerdekaan.. Tahniah Shuhaimi Baba sebab berjaya menghasilkan karya yang sungguh ilmiah!! Ilmiah oke!!
Aku nanges tengok betapa susahnye Tunku nak ke London tuntut kemerdekaan... "Kita kena p London, Jumpa orang sana untuk tuntut kemerdekaan... tapi kita xdak duet nak p.."- sedeh tak bile anak raja terpaksa mintak bantuan rakyat tuk pegi London.. Alahai...
Aku nanges bile tengok macam mana masyarakat Melayu, Cina dan India boleh duduk satu berbincang dan sama2 memperjuangkan kemerdekaan tanah melayu.. semangat serta cintakan tanah air amat membuak2 dalam sanubari mereka..
Sekarang, 52 tahun dah berlalu.. harap, ape yang datuk nenek kita perjuangkan tak sia-sia.. kita anak merdeka...teruskan lah kemerdekaan kita... tanamkan sayang dan chentakan negara..Pemimpin silih berganti...tapi negara kita tetap disini..hanya satu.Dan satu inilah yang harus dipertahankan...
Persetankan semua perbalahan...ape guna nak baling-baling kerusi padahal akhirnya, kita juga yang mengaduh sakit. Kepada rakyat Malaysia, tengok dan selidik balik asal usul negara. dan dari situ, kita akan sayang dan cintakan Malaysia...Abeh kurang pon tengok je Hati Malaya.. (",)
Hohoho.. entry yang amat Patriotik..Amat Ilmiah... bangga lah!!