Who is NURARIF?? It was 1995. About a year after mama gave birth to my youngest bro-AWIE. On that time I was 10 years old. Live happily at No 10, Taman Saga, Baling, Kedah. Huh~ but I still remember all the memories! Abah told us that our family is complete. Let’s put our family name as NURARIF!! [Combination from NOOR’AINI and ARIFUDDIN] Huhuhu..that’s the story..
Now I’m working at Cyberjaya and “bermastautin” at Putrajaya. Dikwan in Subang. Further his study in aerospace engineering. Aqie @ Kedah Matriculation Collegue. So tinggallah Amim and Awie kt umah bersama-sama Abah dengan Mama. Bile time cuti, musti excited nak blk rumah sbb nak gathed ramai-ramai. Dan raya haji kali ini NURARIF Bersatu!!~ paling best, kitorg celebrate birthday Aqie and buat family bowling tournament.
Aku ni ade hobby yang sangat menarik. Online Shopping!!~ Yes! I do love shopping but Online sHopping lagi Menarik. Duk depan laptop.. scroll – scroll.. pilih – pilih.. email kat owner blog uh..do payment.. 2-3 ari pas tu dah dapat. Delivery directly to your house! Wallah!!~ senang banyak. Xpayah jalan2 round satu shopping complex, but at last -> NOTHING! Actually aku terhasot oleh ZAM. Dia lagi suka online shopping. Bertambah – tambah tanduk dikepala bila 2 bestfren aku [Darlin & Ad-Nina] sakan “ber-online shopping”. Kadang-kadang sampai 2-3 barang beli skaligus.
So bercakap pasal online shopping ney, aku dah beli kasot [actually heels] kt one of blogshop ney. http://shoessaholic.blogspot.com/ Konon – konon macam nak buat kasot raya lah kan.. tp sbnrnyer aku amek risiko. Takot xmuat. Yerlah~ bak kata mmba – mmba aku, aku ni kaki kapal – sungguh xkeji. Tp bile dapat, aku da happy mcm budak-budak dapat ice-cream. Hahaha.. surely u guys can guess why~ sampaikan mama try kasot uh time raya aritu lah! Raya time & new Heels~
--Mama pose with the heels ~4 inch oke!!--
--Mama good in heels but "Saket kaki lah ayung!"--
-- nak pegi berjalan raye! --
--Walaopon aku pakai heels, tapi tetap ketot ditepi Aqie!~ huh!!--
--FamilyDay @ Bowling Centre. Aqie,Awie & Dikwan--Lupa pulak aku nak bagitao, CHIBI pon balik Kedah aritu. dia oke lah travel jejaoh ney. cume kena siap2 mknan tuk dia. tp yang dasatnyer, sampai2 umah, lagi kuat dia mkn.. and CHIBI dah maken gumuk!! huhuhu... kalo xpercaya...tengoklah!!
okelah.. see you later...